Literacy & Independent Studies


At Sofia Literacy, reading literacy is considered both the ability to read with fluency and the experiential knowledge to comprehend what is read. The literacy program focuses on phonemic awareness, orthographic skills, morphological understanding, etymological grounding, and syntax. Because English is a morphophonemic language, it is important in your child’s literacy journey that they understand why words are formed the way they are and why words mean what they do.

Your child’s understanding and love of language is key to learning and continued curiosity. Sofia Literacy strives to inspire that love and curiosity in a comfortable environment with a knowledgeable guide working alongside your child.

Independent Studies

If your child already has insatiable curiosity or wants to delve more deeply into a subject, experiences beyond the classroom and opportunities of independent studies are important. Does your child have questions that are overlooked or unanswered? Sofia Literacy offers time for your child to explore their own interests, ask questions, seek broader and deeper knowledge of topics they are interested in.

Sofia Literacy works with children with the following:
